inVesti RKS - Record Keeping Services
At inVesti, our Record Keeping Services utilize proprietary software. Because we own our technology, we are able to include a number of features that can optimize your efficiency. For example, payroll upload integration is included. And our comprehensive plan administrative suite includes functions such as tracking participant eligibility and vesting status.
- Open/Closed MEP (Multiple Employer Plan)
- Pooled Employer Plan (PEP)
- HSA (Health Savings Account)
- 3(38) Fiduciary Services
- Static Free Enrollment by Desktop and Mobile
- Intuitive Dashboards for Advisors, Administrators, and Participants
- Participant services -statements, call center support, and more
- Cloud Hosted for Remote Login and Management
- Bank Level Encryption Tunneling
- Multifactor Authentication and Security
- Loans, Distributions, and Alternative Emergency Fund Options
- White Label Branding Options
- Real Time Alert and Notification Features for Enhanced Communications
- Administration of compliance testing
- Preparation of IRS Form 5500 for the Plan Sponsor

Our view is that inVesti’s primary role is to facilitate the creation and maintenance of the plan document. That means setting up the plan with the desired features and providing easy-to-use functionality to maintain those plan features. The inVesti team, with its decades of experience, is with you every step of the process.